DeSoto West's cell phone and electronic device policy is as follows: All devices are to be used for assignments required by the teacher. Cell phone and electronic devices are not allowed to be in use otherwise. The following consequences will occur for devices that are confiscated on campus:
1st Offense: Phone confiscated, submitted to the main office, and returned to student at dismissal.
2nd Offense: Phone confiscated, submitted to the main office, parent required to collect phone from office.
3rd Offense: Phone confiscated, submitted to the main office, $15.00 fee for phone to be returned and picked up by parent or guardian. If the student continues to not comply with the campus expectations for electronic device after the 3rd offense, a $15.00 fee will occur each time to have device returned to student or parent.
Electronic communication devices include but are not limited to the following: cell phones, smart phones, mp3 players, iPod's, iPads and eReaders. Students bring electronic communication devices to school at their own risk. The district will not be held responsible if a phone or other item is lost, stolen, or misplaced, including those that have been confiscated.
1.Students may utilize electronic communication devices in the classroom for educational purposes when the teacher deems appropriate.
2.Students will be allowed the opportunity to use their devices before/after school
3. Use of electronic communications devices during the school day is a privilege.
4. Students must comply with staff directives, including but not limited to, using appropriate device volume.
5. When in use, devices must be on vibrate or silent mode so that no audible tone is heard.
6. All cell phone conversations during the school day should only take place under the supervision of school personnel.
7.Using any device that permits recording the voice or image of another in any way that either disrupts the educational environment, invades the privacy of others, or is made without the prior consent of the individuals being recorded is prohibited.
8. Violations of this policy will result in confiscation of the devices.
9. There is a $15 fine that must be paid before the phone is returned per DeSoto ISD.